Горизонтальный скролл для мобилки (2 блок)
Caught in a midlife crisis.
Trying to balance work and family responsibilities
Feeling lost in life's transitions
Not sure how to deal with new challenges and find harmony between different aspects of your life.
Life crises and transitional stages
Facing difficulties in your relationships.
Experiencing fear of cheating or losing your partner.
Constant conflicts and misunderstandings.
Trouble expressing feelings.
You're afraid that the problems in your relationship will affect your children.
You don't know what you want from the relationship. Repeating mistakes
Disagreement with your partner
Problems in relationships with a partner
Are you in a toxic or abusive relationship.
Feeling violated and manipulated.
Even when you realize that the relationship brings only pain, you continue to stay in it, unable to break free and start a new, happy life.
Toxic and abusive relationships
You suffer from low self-esteem and internal blocks that keep you from moving forward.
You're insecure, you can't find a way to love yourself. and blame yourself for your failures.
Afraid to start a new relationship
Fear of rejection when meeting new people.
Your inner insecurities make you feel lonely. and isolated.
Problems with self-esteem and internal barriers
After a painful breakup, you feel depressed and unwanted.
The shadows of past relationships keep you from moving forward.
The weight of memories and emotional attachments
make it impossible to let go of the past and build new, happy futures.
Issues related to past relationships